This small portion of the website is dedicated to bringing you information all about me and the other fun stuff in my life.  Believe it or not, I actually do more than just sit around and test my patience building robots.  My other hobbies include life (yes living), programming, cycling, school, model rocketry, and off-roading.  I am an Electrical Engineer / Engineering Honors undergraduate here at the University of Texas in Austin.  This is my fourth year here, (I'm 21) and I'm loving it.  I get to learn about the wonderful world of electronics every day....   And to think, one day I'll get paid for doing something I enjoy.

The lovely lady standing beside me is Ameara, my girlfriend of three years.

     Cycling is one of my newer passions.  Nothing beats a nice long ride after a stressful day.  Spinning on the open road through the outskirts of Austin is pretty hard to beat.  Aside from having a blast it helps keep me fit and energetic.  I am a member of the UT Cycling team here in Austin and am training for next season.  Currently I ride about 100 miles a week.  I would like to ride more but I have other, more important responsibilities at the moment (mainly school).

Myself at a cycling stage race in Wichita Fall, TX having some fun.


  This is Eddie.  He's a little spider that that lived in the wall freshmen year of college and kept me company.   And here is Le Monkey, my third roommate.  He's a good guy, but has some bad habits.